
FSC’s globale strategi for 2021-2026 blev efter et års udarbejdelse endeligt godkendt af FSC’s internationale bestyrelse d. 16. - 20. november 2020. Den nye strategi sætter retningen og de ønskede resultater for FSC indtil 2026.

I forordet til strategien udtrykker bestyrelsesformand, Barbara Bramble, og formand for det strategiske planlægningsudvalg, Al Thorne, kernen i den nye globale strategi:

“As the basis for taking on these new strategic directions, The Global Strategy 2021-2026 reaches back into the roots of who FSC is as an organization. It reconfirms our commitment to promoting forest stewardship as the way to enable resilient forests that create environmental, social and economic value and benefits. The strategy takes pride in FSC’s multi-stakeholder governance system and the global network of partners. It identifies FSC’s core strength of being a community for co-creation: we convene members and other partners from diverse interests to set global benchmarks for forest stewardship and deliver significant results for the forests and the people who depend on them”.

FSC’s internationale bestyrelse har været ansvarlig for udvikling og proces, herunder to runder offentlig høring og virtuel dialog med FSC’s globale medarbejdere og netværkspartnere.

Læs FSC’s globale strategi for 2021-2026 her.