I løbet af fire dage får FSC Loungen selskab af mange spændende talere fra blandt andet IKEA, WRK Architecten, WWF, Enemærke og Petersen, Circle Bank mf. Desuden gæstes scenen af FSC’s internationale Direktør. Se det fulde program nedenfor.  

Når scenen ikke er i brug, fungerer loungens sceneområde som pause-sted for deltagere på kongressen.   

Tid og sted
Bella Center Copenhagen, FSC Lounge 
3. - 6. juli 2023  

Læs mere om hvorfor FSC Danmark er partner på UIA23 her 

Program for FSC Lounge på UIA23

Monday July 3.

13:00 - 14:15: 1 + 1 = 11! Using the power of many for change

There is agreement that partnerships will be necessary to get us through the perma-crise. What is a good partnership? How do you choose your partners? How do you make sure that the partnership makes a real change on the ground?

  • Kim Carstensen, Director General, FSC
  • Ulf Johansson, Head of Global Wood Supply & Forestry, Inter IKEA
  • Mette Boye, Conservation Director, WWF World Wildlife Fund



Closed event for FSC Denmark members and invited guests.


Tuesday July 4.

9:00 - 10:00: WRK climate - How can architecture contribute to the climate goals?

WRK Architecten, an Amsterdam based architecture studio present case studies as inspirations to explore the topics of the future. How can we together, create a more sustainable built environment, by sharing knowledge and experiences, with new materials and methods.

Speaker: Benjamin Robichon, Architect and Partner, WRK Architecten


13:15 - 14:30: Circularity and LCAs - How do the two mix?

What is double LCA? How do we account for circularity in LCAs? How can we make the building industry truly circular - in practice not in theory?

  • Anders Brønden, Sustainability Consultant, Søren Jensen
  • Anders Sørensen, Head of Sustainability, Enemærke og Petersen
  • Anders Lendager, CEO & Founder of Lendager Architects


15:00 - 16:00: Being the change we want to see - how?

How can we as individuals contribute to the needed shift in the construction sector, that makes us able to start living within planetary boundaries? How can we learn fast, fail fast and use ourselves to be the change?

  • Anders Sørensen, Head of Sustainability, Enemærke og Petersen
  • Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Founder & CEO of Naeste


Wednesday July 5.

10:30 - 11:45: WORKSHOP - INVITE ONLY

Social housing and the circular transition.
What roles can the social housing sector play in the transition towards circular construction? What is possible within the rules? What are the benefits and the challenges?

  • Niklas Jarnit, Head of Secretariat, AlmenNet
  • Peter Brix Westergaard, Senior Consultant, AL2bolig
  • Lene Damsbo Brix, Partner and Co-founder, Circle Bank


Thursday July 6.

10:00 - 11:00: Unlocking the Potential of Tropical Timber

Architecture as a Driver for Biodiversity and Forest Conservation - Unlocking the Potential of Tropical Timber.     

For architects desiring to use durable materials that fit the profile of circularity and low carbon emissions, there’s a great untapped potential in tropical timber. Particularly in terms of the aesthetics and technical capabilities. A more untold benefit of tropical timber is the potential to actually protect the jungles and contribute to sustainable livelihoods in tropical regions.

  • Tijmen Hennekes, Project Officer Tropical Timber, FSC NL
  • Mikkel Jensen, Sourcing and Compliance Manager, Keflico